5 responses »

  1. I believe you and they are absolutely correct on this.  And he’s building his “civilian army” too.  Kinda fits, huh?

    Have a great visit with MaryLou.  

    Hi to Rusty!




  2. Well stated, but not too much different to those of us who served during the Carter administration.

    I finally thought of a single benefit emanating from a socialist economy. Having a bachelor of science degree in economics, and being an avid reader of history; Iā€™ve yet to find any evidence of a vibrant socialist economy. However, I finally thought of one important benefit.

    That vividly clear benefit is that socialist economies can not afford militaries (or anything else), therefore can not ā€œgo to warā€.

    But, like Lt. Columbo, thereā€™s something thatā€™s still bugging me. There are still those tyrannical economies that are even more destitute than socialist economies, but refer to themselves as ā€œsocialistā€, ā€œworkersā€™ paradiseā€, ā€œprogressiveā€, democraticā€, ā€œbolshevistā€, what ever.

    The titles are really synonyms, but the real difference is that they cannot afford not to go to war. Too many un-fed people to get rid of.

    Another thing Iā€™ve been unable to find having existed in history is an unarmed, peaceful, tribe, village, city-state, or nation; that ever documented its own history, or of anybody that bothered to document it for them, before they were annihilated and forever lost to history.

    Liked by 1 person

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